Sunday, 7 June 2015

There are Aliens at school!

One day I was walking to the staffroom for breakfast, one minute later I saw Miss Zee, she was an alien!  Ten minutes later I've been spying on her, today I couldn't believe my eyes!  Miss Zee was drinking her coffee out of her head!  Three days later all the the teachers were aliens!.  But Mr Rate wasn't, that's odd, so I had to save the school.
Me and Mr Rate started building the trap.  Two months later we've finished the trap.  We made some changes to the trap and the aliens fell for it.  Oh, about the changes, we made a remote control.  We put the trap on the trampoline and we put cakes and muffins on it so they will gobble it up.  The teachers sniffed out the cakes, as I planned, and they all climbed onto the tramp.  Little did they know, when they went onto the tramp, a vortex shot them back to their planet.
And that is how me and Mr Rate defeated the aliens and saved the school.

By Matthew AKA Spykid2015


  1. Very cool story Matthew. It was very exciting. I'm glad that you and Mr Rate could save the school in the end. I'm looking forward to seeing the illustrations.

  2. Thanks Spykid2015, glad you and I sorted the problem. I am still a bit worried about Miss Zee, she still acts a little bit alien at times. Do you think she has turned back into one? Let me know as we can't have aliens at our school!!!

    1. Miss Zee is still an alien sometimes because she is a bit weird and if you look carefully, she has an eye popping out of her head. SpyKid2015

    2. By crikey! Sounds like an emergency situation SpyKid2015. Can you take a photo of the eye as proof? We may need to call in air support!

    3. Message received SpyKid2015. We will need to work quickly before more arrive. Do you have an alien zapper? Or maybe we will need to set a trap?! Watch closely and see what it eats. Over and out.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
