Sunday, 6 April 2014

Week ten learning fun!!!

Welcome to week 10!!!!!
Hello to all our wonderful parents

Please, please, if you are able, could you go onto our blog and leave a comment about one of our posts, we check daily.  Your time and contributions are greatly appreciated.

A huge congratulations to everyone in our awesome class with their efforts in our basic facts race!!! You are all doing a superb job and thanks for the support at home too.

This week we are looking at reflecting on our learning and the learning of others.  I have been impressed with the quality advice the children are giving each other.

We are going to be focussing on photography and descriptive writing!  We are working on this in class, if there is a chance that the children are able to use a family camera to practice with different scenery (home), that would be fab!
You could email copies of their photos at the following address.

Cannot believe it is nearly the end of the term.  Your children are delightful and I have enjoyed working with them!

Looking forward to sharing our learning next week at the learning celebration!


  1. Thanks for all your great updates Tanya! Looks like Room 4 are working really hard and having some fun too. Looking forward to sharing assembly next week :)

  2. Great work again Room 4! Its not always easy threading needles and tying knots. Riki-Lee just loves stitching things now, she even has her own things, needles and all!!! Can't wait for all your wonderful ideas and creations at the assembly.
