Monday, 12 October 2015

Key Competencies

Today we are thinking about the key competencies of Relating to Others and Participating and Contributing.

We were set a challenge of making a bunting in a group.  After this we will be thinking about what these competencies look, sound and feel like.

It is important that we develop a good understanding of how to work together and face challenges in a positive way so our PReP companies will run effectively.

Here are a few snaps....

Welcome to the final term!!!

It was amazing seeing all the wonderful smiles greeting me on Monday morning!
It is great to be back in Fab4 (really it is two but we can't change the blog name now hehehe)!

I am so impressed with your small people, the are full of life, have great attitudes, look after each other and are keen to learn!

An exciting term ahead with PReP - lots of creativity and teamwork will be happening!!

Looking forward to lots of learning fun :-)