Thursday, 26 February 2015


Congratulations to Charlie for receiving the Principals Award at assembly today!

Here is why.......
Charlie always has an awesome, positive attitude.  She is working hard in all areas of learning, listens well to advice and makes regular small changes to improve her skills and learning.   Charlie has strong leadership skills and is a mature role model for our class.  She is kind and caring and is always encouraging others to do their best.
She is very strong in creativity and produces interesting and inventive artworks.  She is a wonderful member of room 4, who is well respected and some that we can all rely on to show us the right path.

Dinosaur Poems

We were working on our virtue of creativity today.  We shared a poem about a stegosaurus.  We worked out that if this dinosaur decided to have a nap in our classroom, there wouldn't really be much room because it would be as tall as our classroom is long!

We drew our own dinosaurs, let me tell you, there were some crazy look creatures in our books.  Next we used a structure to help us write our poem.  Here are a couple to make you smile.....

My dinosaur is a ghostasaurus
He has different colours
His legs are like the invisible man
His head is like a jellyfish
His teeth are like old lady gums
If I could touch him, he would feel like soft clouds
My dinosaur eats cricketballs!
By Todd

My dinosaur is a stompasaurus
He has spikes, stripes and giant feet
His legs are like a machine
His head is like a pillow
His teeth are like little toes
If I could touch him, he would feel bumpy
My dinosaur eats people.
By Arianna

My dinosaur is a prickasaurus
He has spikes, lots of patterns and a giraffe neck
His legs are like meatballs and sticks
His head is like a golf ball
His teeth are like a crocodile jaw
If I could touch him, he would feel very fluffy and try to bite me
My dinosaur eats people and other dinosaurs!
By Charlie

My dinosaur is a Declanasaurus
He has spikes everywhere
His legs are like a power pole
His head is squishy like glue
His teeth are sharp like a rock
If I could touch him, he would feel sharp
My Dinosaur eats meat.
By Navarro

Great poems guys!
Come and have a look in our reading books for more creative writing.

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

More Kiwi Cricket Fun

Today we were learning about catching.....
Lots of challenge for our wee hands today!
We enjoyed the games and the TEAMWORK!!!!

Here are a few snaps....

Socks and Undies...

We have had a bit of a laugh today.....

We have got socks and undies hanging in our classroom.   Ask your small person why we have undies and what they help them remember.  Hehehe

Matthew and Lachlan showed great teamwork, hanging up our washing.
Lots of colourful socks and undies hanging around!!

Matthew was an awesome organiser!  He was a kind and encouraging leader!

Stevie lent an extra pair of hands to help Lachlan and Matthew out with their display.

Sunday, 22 February 2015

Dinosaur chicken.....

Cast your mind back to the first week of school......
Are you there yet?
Isabelle brought her lovely chickens in to see us.
Her Mum told us that chickens are distant relatives of dinosaurs!
Here is a visual that Isabelle has shared with us to help us make the connection.

Thursday, 19 February 2015


I have been very impressed with our efforts in the pool this week!
We are really working hard on our kicking, floating, freestyle and beginning backstroke.

Lots of our awesome learners are really pushing themselves beyond their own comfort zones!
We are looking forward to swimming sports next week!
Matthew took so shots at the pool.

Day One of Kiwi Cricket

We were very lucky on Thursday to have a visit with a cricket Pro!
We learnt how to hold the cricket bat correctly and whack a ball.
Great skill learning!

Here are a few shots
We will have some more after our session next week!
Our coach was pretty impressed with our skills :-)

Monday, 16 February 2015

Welcome to week 4!!!

Last week flew by.
The children were excited to have Mrs Brader teaching them on Wednesday.  This may happen from time to time as I am released to focus on my SENCO role. 
We had a great time at tabloids, lots of smiles and great teamwork happening!
We finished the week with a tug-o-war challenge, lots of laughs, a few collisions, a few tears but we all survived. J
We are working hard on our kicking in the pool, it is great to see children challenging their skills and pushing their comfort zones.
We are continuing to work through our beginning of year assessments, and for some they had their first standardised test, the STAR reading test for year threes.   Congratulations for working so hard guys, results will be analysed so I can help you improve the areas that you need.

I can see that we have several people that have earned a certificate on Mathletics! WOW – Super workers J
This week we are beginning our Basic Facts Space Race.  We have completed testing and the intentions in the notebooks show the knowledge that needs to be learnt.  We will have testing on Wednesday, the children book in their time.  It is broken into small chunks, to promote success and instant recall.  You will find an explanation in the front of the second  notebook.
We will continue to develop our understanding of DAILY 5 reading.  Has you small person told you what stamina means or the definition of TRIPLE S?
We are working through running records and phonics testing.
This week we will be completing a formal writing assessment and setting goals to share with you next week.
We are starting to look at images from the First World War to motivate our topic learning.
Gosh, we are busy, fabulous learners in
room 4!
Have a groovy week J

Monday, 9 February 2015

Daily 5 - Reading to Myself

Working hard, coming up with great anchor charts to help us make the right choices and be independent learners.

Sunday, 8 February 2015

Reading with a Buddy....

Here is our collaboration for today, these are our expectations when reading with a buddy.

I thought they did a great job!

Ask your small person what stamina is.


EEKK Defined....

Elbow to Elbow
Knee to knee
I read to you and you read to me
Elbow to Elbow
Knee to knee
book in the middle
so we can both see.

Our Fab4 for writing

As promised, here is a shot of what our awesome learners in FAB4 created for their writing.

It would be great if you could comment under this to let me know if your small person remembers this.