Monday, 15 December 2014

Tis the season for giving....

A huge thank you goes out to Jo O'Neil for all her amazing help this morning with out Christmas cookie baking.

Yesterday, we made origami boxes to hold our biscuits.
These are for a gift - I wonder of you receive this tasty treat :-)


Merry Christmas Everyone
From FAB 4

Sunday, 7 December 2014

The Silly Season has begun....


We had a wee bit of fun this afternoon creating these crazy reindeer.

Thursday, 4 December 2014

Awesome sharing in assembly...

This is for the awesome Mums that wanted to be there but couldn't make it.
You're kids rock!!!


Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Our CEOs are the best!!!!

The wonderful CEOs in room 4 got together and made special certificates for their groups.  Kate went home and made up the certificates and they all got together and decided what they shall be awarded for.


Mckenzie got hers for being kind to her group members.

Charlie got hers for listening to everyone when their CEO was away sick.

Sahara got hers for listening really well and when people were arguing she didn't get shouty.

Recko got his for his great behaviour.

Aimee was a great worker and for being kind to the people in her group.

Market Day!!!!

The door sign group is all set up.

Look at the gorgeous window hangings behind these ladies.

Pom Pom pets are cute!
The Working Girls have produced a lot of groovy photo frames.

What an exciting morning we have had!  We all sold out!  We had one group, The Working Girls was the only group that made a profit but everyone did a fantastic job.  We are already thinking about what we would do differently next time.
We all think Mr Rate is the best Principal ever because he ave everyone a 10G bonus to spend!

Fab 4 Rocks!!!