Sunday, 31 August 2014

We are in the Navy now.....

We had a visit from Shaun Mahoney today (an ex-pupil of Oroua Downs).
He is currently on leave from his Navy training.  Shaun talked about his training in the Navy and also his time as a firefighter.
He talked about how self management and setting goals for yourself are important when following your dreams.
Thanks Shaun for your time and your words of wisdom!!!

Thursday, 28 August 2014


Blaze was our star today.  He was nominated by Aimee because he has been making good choices that make him work better.
I wonder who Blaze will spot for our next star?
Keep up the great work Blaze!

Our hard working Recko

We got a new app on the ipads called 'book creator'.  
We can make our own books using our own drawings or photos that we take.  We can add text and we can record our voice.
Recko decided that he wanted to make a book about our hard working class.

This app is amazing because we can turn our books into movies!

Check this out.....

Recko says.....  "I like this app.  It is cool because I like the way you can make a movie and we can write or talk about what we want to say.  I think you should get this app on your ipad because it is fun and you could make a book about your learning."

Tuesday, 26 August 2014

A request for feedback...

We are working towards some entries for the digi awards....
This is Kate and Riki-Lees first draft, we would love some feedback on ideas to improve this.
Leave your feedback in the comment section.
Thank you

Tomorrows STAR!!!!

Tash has chosen Aimee to be our STAR OF THE DAY because she was showing excellence when she was working.

Special mention has to go to Blaze for having an amazing day!!!!!!!

Thanks Tash for the great observations....I wonder who Aimee will spot tomorrow :-)

Monday, 25 August 2014

STAR of the day.....

We have made a few changes to STAR of the day....

It is now the responsibility of the current star of the day to select tomorrow's star.

Recko was the star today as he has been working hard on his Self Management and he shared a reward with the class on Friday afternoon.  Well done Recko.

Recko selected Natasha and his reason was....."because when we were doing our tasks she was encouraging everyone to make the right choices."

Great pick Recko, Well done Natasha......  I wonder who will be next?

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

The Old West Ninjas...

Once in an old west town there was the one and only Sheriff.  She was a spy and there was some ninjas.  They rob the banks and they rob the banks easy peezy and they say “give me your money otherwise I’ll ninja you up!”  The people that work in the banks say “No.”  The ninjas ninga them up.  They take the money and escape, they go their secret hideout.  A few days later the Sheriff sets a trap in a bank.  The ninjas go to the bank and SNAP SNAP, they got caught in the trap.  The Sheriff laughs, “I got you, I got you!”  The ninjas say “Oh man!”  The Sheriff says let’s take you to jail.  BAM BAM they go to jail.

By Recko

Look what the ICT fairy left us!!!!

We were all super excited today to see two beautiful new iMacs in our classroom!

We are very very lucky and want to send out a massive 

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!

to our amazing Home and School committee for all their hard work that allows us to have these awesome tools for our learning!!!!!


This morning we had exploration time on Kid Pix!
We are really looking forward to using this to showcase our fantastic work!

Thanks Home and School

Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Jack's Awesome Writing!!!!

Today Jack has been working on adding detail to his sentences..... this is his first effort

The creepy Jack Frost scrambled to his crackling house with a not so happy boy and a dirty black cat.

Really looking forward to what happens next.... Great work Jack